28 June 2007

-into the real world-

after going to the mitte on monday i got all sick and it sucked ass. tuesday i didn't write or read anything, totally destroying my "buffer day", which was already long devoured by the fact that i procrastinate in general. so, i didn't really leave my flat tuesday or wednesday and i was starting to go crazy after staring at this screen for hours on end. i've gotten about 11 pages written now, so i'm getting close to the end...soon...soon i shall be done. although i doubt that i will be able to get out of the inevitable all-nighter. luckly, tomorrow at this time i'll be doing something relaxing ...or sleeping.

26 June 2007

-another day another page-

today was full of demodivation. i sat, read and made some notes ...but no words came onto the digital paper. after sitting around in the mitte and being frozen by the cold wind of the shitty weather we had today, i was able to write about a page or so. right now i'm working on the object descriptions and trying to squeeze every last drop of descriptive juice out of the objects on to the keyboard so that it may flow into the intergrated juice to binary code converter. the converter (010 juicer) is link via a shareware plug-in to microsoft word.

here's a picture of some, what i shall call, readymade architecture.

21 June 2007

-workin' it-

the deadline of june 29th is moving closer everyday and, surprise, i'm not as far along as i'd like to be with the paper. behind schedule as always. i have been reading quite a bit though and it seems as though the more i read, the deeper i dig myself into a deep deep dark pit. hopefully i can crawl out of this damn pit before next friday. as one can see from the wonderful picture above, my complete organization of my workspace is quite conducive to a productive working environment. however, for a change of pace i did some writing today in the philosophy library; very quiet and lots of books to boggle the mind. i tried to get into some texts from martin heidegger, a german philosopher, with little success. as i was reading the introduction to his book 'being and time', i came across greek words ...greek! why on earth would someone use greek words in their texts? at first i thought, 'oh, these must be ideas or words which are best described using the greek language' so i looked them up in the fantastic greek dictionary in the back of the book ...nope. some of the words used translated to 'life', 'theory', 'shoe' ...ok, so shoe wasn't one of the words, but it was hardly necessary to use greek words. except when ever you want to prove the size of your philosophical testicles to your readers. otherwise, heidegger has some good thoughts about design and art...

07 June 2007

-theory concept accepted-

here is the theory concept which i handed in on monday. today we had the concept feedback. it only took a few minutes because everything was bon. the only question from enderle (the prof) was if the 'bicycle wheel' was the best example that could be chosen for ready-mades in art. however, my reason are well founded and therefore it will not be a problem.

…next step, read read read.

01 June 2007

-theory concept-

for the theory concept i want to analyze ready-made furniture. i'm not quite sure of the exact question which i would like to pose, or if i want to pose a question at all …but i would like to compare ready-mades in art to those in design. this analysis will be based upon 'bicycle wheel' from macel duchamp (art) and 'sella' from the castiglioni brothers (design). my professor recommended that i add another example from ready-mades in design. for this i would either choose 'mezzadro', also from the castiglioni bros or 'you can't lay down your memory' aka 'chest of drawers' from tejo remy, droog design. i need to have the concept finished on monday, so it will be posted then.

'bicycle wheel' -duchamp

'sella' -castiglioni

'mezzadro' -castiglioni

'you can't lay down your memory' -remy

i (heart) theory

concerning the theory essay; i was thinking of posting the entire theory assignment as i did with the project assignment, but i decided that i didn't feel like translating the entire text. so i'll summarize:

first, develop a concept by posing a question concerning a visual phanomenon from your chosen subject area. the concept is to have a length of two pages and describe the specific issue as well as the methods which will be used in your solution.

…that is all that i feel like translating.