09 September 2007



Nathan Lively said...

either "he's finally lost his head" or "you got knocked the fuck out!" or "julie, what have you done???"

travis said...

i guess that's just how it is ...when it comes to important stuff, no one comments. but put a scrolling head on the blog and comments come right away...

...more likely is the fact that mainly someone by the name of "nathan" comments in general.

Anonymous said...

hey, i make comments all the time, just not on this venue. oh well, as long as i'm here: i'm wondering about that expression. either you've reached a point where your at peace with how the project is going or your in a heavily medicated condition i don't really want to know about.

Anonymous said...

p.s. replace "your" with "you're". see why i don't leave comments? i get typing fatigue and make errors.

Anonymous said...

hey, i just noticed the date/time. it's sept. 13 @ 8:20 in texas. o.k., o.k., i'll stop now. have a good day, sweetie, love,mom