31 July 2007


i didn't feel like folding paper to find a form, so i just continued to work 1:1 in the wood workshop. incidentally, this is the only corner that was free in the workshop, or in the school for that manner …actually there were some brooms that i had to move aside. all of the other corners are filled with some crap.

using the sitting-machine (made by boris gratry) i was able to find what i found to be an optimal sitting position for the corner. from these specifications i made a wooden basis for which i had planned to modify for the final form. i soon realized to speed things up a bit and it would be much easier to get the results i want by making a basis form out of styrofoam. then i have the ability to quickly cut and tape to make the changes i want.

29 July 2007

-1:1 corner-

today i was determined to try out the idea based upon the pinart thing, but after a bit of cinema 4d experimentation, i quickly dropped that idea. it's sort of what i had in my head, but the changes i need to make for the static function of the chair will cause it to go into a direction which i think will look like crap.

then i went into the wood workshop to make a something that would allow me to sit in the corner in which the corner was supporting my weight. so, i put two boards together and got this:

the main problem when sitting symetrically in the corning is that one's shoulders are smashed together when leaning back into the corner. it is much more comfortable when sitting along one wall, with the back to the other. therefore, i am going to go back the those damned triangles and design a lounge chair that extends along one wall, while using the corner as support. i will return to the paper and cardboard folding tomorrow to find the form i need.

…oh yea, julie made some tasty macaroni with tomato pesto.

27 July 2007


i had an idea today to create a seating element for the corner using a similar principle to the 'pinart' toy. this might turn out to be a nice concept considering that the corner itself is being used to create the form for seating ...well, it looks good in my head. tomorrow some models will be made to test out this idea...

24 July 2007

-continuation of form examination-

granted, i haven't put as much time into it as i'd like to, but finding a form is proving to be not so productive. i know; form follows function, but since i have yet to decide on a function, perhaps one would come to me as i experiment with forms. so far, no such luck. concerning the function, i think a storage space/lighting element would be ideal for a corner. for the most part one usually doesn't think of a corner as a place where one would like to be. the corner is the stereotypical location in school where a child is sent after having done something 'wrong' …plus a corner is the place where dust and dirt collect. things put in the corner are usually neglected. i guess that is the whole point of this project; to bring life to the most disregarded part of the room. unfortunately i'm going nowhere fast with my ideas...


i finished reading the important part of the book 'foam of the daze'. i didn't read it to the end as it is apparently just shitty after the couple gets married. however, today i finally began to do something productive with my time. i made a few experiements with some forms; mainly triangular. i'm not really sure how i feel about working with such strict symetrical geometric forms ...i mean, i'm all down for obscure isoceleces and scalene, but as i discovered today, the equalaterals just don't do it for me. perhaps tomorrow the surrealism of boris vian's novel lets me wander away from the equiangular polygon.

i also did some very basic forms from an oblong rectangle that leans in the corner. i think this could be more interesting if the rectangle comes back on itself or through itself. i like the idea of having a very simple strip which folds into a complex form being supported my itself and the corner.

16 July 2007

-theory essay-

there is definately some changes that could be made, but this is the version that i handed in for the diplom

…it can be viewed here or you can send me an email at micewrkk_at_yahoo_dot_com and i can send a .pdf copy to you.

09 July 2007

-not so good-

last friday was the first "zwischenkritik" or review. basically the first milestone in the project where everyone presents what they have done so far and then discuss this with the instructor, expert and students. for the first review we were expected to have a concept for the corner. i however just had the research that i had done so far. so, i wasn't up to par ...but that's how it always is; i always take longer in my concepts. the question that came from mr. boner was, 'do you know what you don't want to do?' i sort of had an answer, but i didn't want to rule anything out yet. i just know i want the object to need the corner at least in terms of static, if not for other reasons as well. i was thinking about a light or a chair ...or something to do with acoustics.

04 July 2007

-let the games begin-

today is officially day four of the furniture diplom project. i say officially, because apparently there is a discrepancy concerning how long the practical part of our diplom has been going on. rumor has it, that one of the students talked to the external expert for the interior architecture project and the expert was under the impression that we have been working on the practical part of the diplom project for five weeks now. hopefully the expert for the furniture project doesn't have the same faulty knowledge... oh, for those interested the external expert for the furniture project is jörg boner.

so, it time to get some shit done for the research...

03 July 2007

-theory ...done-

…i probably shouldn't post a picture when i don't know what the text content is, oh well. the most important thing is, as of 14:00, friday 29. june 2007, i am done with my theory paper!!!! and since i'm not planning on going for a masters, this was my last theoretical paper …and this makes me happy. that is to say, relieved. i also have a good feeling about the work i did. nathan read almost all of the paper before i turned in the final version and he thought it was much better than the last theory paper i wrote in three days.... now the only thing standing between me and a diploma is the furniture project, and that is something that i enjoy doing. so, it's clear sailing from here on…

for those who would like to read the final version of my theory paper …let me know.