24 July 2007


i finished reading the important part of the book 'foam of the daze'. i didn't read it to the end as it is apparently just shitty after the couple gets married. however, today i finally began to do something productive with my time. i made a few experiements with some forms; mainly triangular. i'm not really sure how i feel about working with such strict symetrical geometric forms ...i mean, i'm all down for obscure isoceleces and scalene, but as i discovered today, the equalaterals just don't do it for me. perhaps tomorrow the surrealism of boris vian's novel lets me wander away from the equiangular polygon.

i also did some very basic forms from an oblong rectangle that leans in the corner. i think this could be more interesting if the rectangle comes back on itself or through itself. i like the idea of having a very simple strip which folds into a complex form being supported my itself and the corner.

1 comment:

leif said...

pictures - we want pictures - btw - nice pictures